What (A) To Do...
1) Write and record two albums simultaneously. a) the frequency of my output is underwhelming b) the aesthetic schism involved in this venture will be an illuminating gulf.
2) Stop drinking. I can't afford it, financially, laryngeally, temporally.
3) Never take ecstasy with a straight boy I fancy. It makes my ass bleed and my heart weep.
4) Make all of my albums available for purchase/trade. This means designing and hand-constructing sleeves. Deposit them in charity shops.
5) Keep up e-mail correspondence as regularly as time affords. There are nice people.
6) Produce christmas card, scan/print and e-mail/snail mail to the nice people.
7) Produce portfolio of photography on CD and deliver to local galleries.
8) Wrestle with the lighter aspects of sexuality for a while. I.E. Get a boyfriend.
9) Don't buy groceries at supermarkets. Instead, source them from local, sustainable, organic vendors. As long as these exist and supply what I demand, there truly is no excuse not to.
10) Take mescaline alone on the peak of a hill under a windmill lying next to a guitar.
11) Do not terrorise my mother every time the moon is full. I'm becoming very cliche in this aspect. Deliberately prise my autonomy away from this and similar arbitrary life corsets.
12) Record one song a day for a month. They don't have to be masterpieces, but they will. Haha.
13) Hijack a string section and oblige them to play with my campfire chamber folk orchestra.
14) Get more money. Direct a regular percentage of acquired funds towards the development of musical enterprises I.E. getting rampantly wasted is not a musical enterprise unless there are recording facilities in the house of wasteage.
15) Where 'Destroy-all-values' T-shirt to all live engagements.
16) Secure a superabundance of live engagements with/without the CCFO (preferably and most often with.)
17) Liberally disseminate the music.
18) Collaborate incestuously with everyone I ever meet.
19) Bathe regularly and perfect the Thai stir-fry with relentless alchemical rigour.
20) Masturbate less unless it's into another person's body.
21) Attend the cinema more, ideally not on my own.
22) Establish Internet presence for CCFO.
23) Whenever depression kicks in, reach for some creative process even if the motivation to do anything is less than zero.
24) Don't kill myself.
25) Smile.
2) Stop drinking. I can't afford it, financially, laryngeally, temporally.
3) Never take ecstasy with a straight boy I fancy. It makes my ass bleed and my heart weep.
4) Make all of my albums available for purchase/trade. This means designing and hand-constructing sleeves. Deposit them in charity shops.
5) Keep up e-mail correspondence as regularly as time affords. There are nice people.
6) Produce christmas card, scan/print and e-mail/snail mail to the nice people.
7) Produce portfolio of photography on CD and deliver to local galleries.
8) Wrestle with the lighter aspects of sexuality for a while. I.E. Get a boyfriend.
9) Don't buy groceries at supermarkets. Instead, source them from local, sustainable, organic vendors. As long as these exist and supply what I demand, there truly is no excuse not to.
10) Take mescaline alone on the peak of a hill under a windmill lying next to a guitar.
11) Do not terrorise my mother every time the moon is full. I'm becoming very cliche in this aspect. Deliberately prise my autonomy away from this and similar arbitrary life corsets.
12) Record one song a day for a month. They don't have to be masterpieces, but they will. Haha.
13) Hijack a string section and oblige them to play with my campfire chamber folk orchestra.
14) Get more money. Direct a regular percentage of acquired funds towards the development of musical enterprises I.E. getting rampantly wasted is not a musical enterprise unless there are recording facilities in the house of wasteage.
15) Where 'Destroy-all-values' T-shirt to all live engagements.
16) Secure a superabundance of live engagements with/without the CCFO (preferably and most often with.)
17) Liberally disseminate the music.
18) Collaborate incestuously with everyone I ever meet.
19) Bathe regularly and perfect the Thai stir-fry with relentless alchemical rigour.
20) Masturbate less unless it's into another person's body.
21) Attend the cinema more, ideally not on my own.
22) Establish Internet presence for CCFO.
23) Whenever depression kicks in, reach for some creative process even if the motivation to do anything is less than zero.
24) Don't kill myself.
25) Smile.