Saturday, May 13, 2006

2:45 am

"I woke and rolled to face the wall and was startled by the image of a Japanese guy holographically embedded into it...the fourth such instance in a day..I yelled "Hey there!", his luminescence receded back into bland wall tones. my timeworn childhood I'm-alone-in-the-house-every-noise-I-hear-emanates-from-a-serial-killer paranoia returned...I lie there tensed, mentally fixing all the escape routes. Outside, the rustle of trash stirs me into absolute stunned wakefulness. I manouevre myself to the window, attempting to minimise and dampen mattress noise. There's an urban fox grazing through our trash. My creaking window disturbs its banquet. He fucks off, loping, like dogs do. I've been awake three hours and I've not seen the Japanese guy. But the exploded dustbin bag in our back garden. I saw that. "


Blogger josh feola said...

hey nick. sorry i haven't been very blog-active lately. this japanese guy sounds like an interesing apparition. i have a very weird quasi-mystical philosophy about sleep and dreams that seems to work for me. namely, whenever i have trouble sleeping i find the hardest floor available and lay down on it until i pass out. i usually wake up with a sore knee and a night of full, dreamless sleep under my belt. maybe try that if your dreamlife starts to wear down at you; mine did me for a while, but i haven't had an unwelcome dream for a few months thanks to this 'method'. in any case, keep up the interesting work in this blog. i like the recent photos.


5:57 PM  

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