Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A Polite Enquiry...

When life becomes difficult do you:

a) contemplate committing suicide
b) commit suicide
c) drug yourself into a coma
d) find God
e) find God and talk him into committing suicide
f) find God and drug him into a coma
g) recognise that where society is concerned b) = f) and thus contemplate committing suicide?
h) emote yourself clean through the mouth of a self-indulgent ballad?
i) anonymously fuck yourself blind?
j) saturate your body with hardcore spirits?
k) snort your woes away like a grand thaw?
l) work harder?
m) using a baseball bat, project your thorny existential mire onto a convenient loved one?
n) set fire to your hair, coat yourself in syrup and choke to death on your own fist?
o) philosophically transplant yourself to Buddhism?
p) smile?
q) gamble your beans on a lame donkey?
r) gun down thirteen of your fellow students and four teachers?
s) join a monastery?
t) erect a monument in your garden to the life you could have had?
u) tread water forever?
v) donate your life to a wife, kids, dog, job, smooth predictability?
w) freak out your shrink by telling her the truth for the first time?
x) seek an exoricist?
y) move on with a hungry resolve?
z) all of the above at various instances?

"Please try keep love buoyant with your ideals; better to inhabit the lie than to be buried with the truth before you've loved."

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